Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Day in the Life of Molly's Office Job

As everyone knows, office gossip is the best part of working. I mean, after all, when the minutes are dragging along like centuries and the taupe wall coloring is eating away at your soul, what gets you through the day? Bitching about/laughing at it with your co-workers. Which is why I've decided to post some entries about the dumb/funny/ridiculous moments here in my London office.

Ridiculous Interchange #1:

I was stationed at the reception desk, since the regular receptionist was on vacation in Spain. One of our consultants strolls in, walks over to my desk and leans up on his elbows, which is an obvious signal that he intends on starting in on the small talk. So I put on my nice receptionist's smile, and it begins (keep in mind that this conversation took place after I had already been working for the company for about two and a half months):

Mr. Consultant: Hi Molly, how's everything going? You settling in here okay?

Me [confused at what seems like a question he should've asked about 6 weeks earlier]: Um, yeah, everything's fine. Thanks.

Him: So where are you staying?

Me: You mean, where do I live?

Him: Yeah, yeah.

Me: Camden.

Him: Ah, Camden. Up by the market there, eh? [Referring to the huge open-air market that sells everything from food to books to vintage clothing; a very distinctive-looking part of London.]

Me: Yep, just down the road from there.

Him: Have you seen that movie about Camden?

Me: Hmm I don't know. Which movie was that?

Him: Oh, hmm I can't remember the name now. I'm blanking. It had an American actress, and Hugh Grant.

Me: Which American actress?

Him: Oh you know, that really famous one.

Me: Ummm...

Him: With the big lips. And brown hair.

Me: Angelina Jolie?

Him: No, not her. Oh, come on, that really famous one. Brown hair. Pretty. With Hugh Grant.

Me: [Thinking it could be Two Weeks Notice] Sandra Bullock?

Him: Nope, not her. Takes place in Camden. Right by Camden Market.

[Enter OTHER CONSULTANT, who he flags down for help]

Him: Hey, who's the most famous American actress?

Her: Julia Roberts?

Him: YES! What's the name of that movie she's in with Hugh Grant?

Her: Notting Hill?

Him: YES!

Me: Doesn't Notting Hill take place in Notting Hill, not in Camden?

Him: [Blank stare] Yes, I guess it does.

And then he just turned and walked out the door.

The end.

***Look out for the next episode of A Day in the Life of Molly's Office Job, coming soon!***


Blogger Two Shoes said...

But who would think of Julia Roberts when he said big *lips*? Julia is known for having a big *mouth* but, as far as I can tell, Angelina has cornered the lip market. I believe Julia's lips are of the average shape and size.

I guess it doesn't help that I've never seen the movie Notting Hill, and so it wasn't in my consciousness.

Two Weeks Notice, on the other hand, I think about almost constantly.

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Massive teeth too.. like a laughing horse.

8:47 AM  

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