A Day in the Life of Molly's Office Job, Part II

My office environment is divided into a number of different areas, or interconnected sectors, if you will. The company occupies the entire second floor of a U-shaped building, so the consultants have their private offices in one wing, connected by a corridor with the stairs and "lift" to the client services wing, which is the wing I occupy as "Client Services Associate" (that's official--it says so on my business card). The client services sector is broken up into an open space with computers for client use, the desk where me and my boss Aimee sit, a kitchen, a few private office areas, reception, and two conference rooms. Being that there are so many different areas one could occupy during one's workday, it is therefore incredible that no matter where Aimee and I go to try to enjoy our lunch hour in peace, we will be disturbed at least once, without fail. Sometimes it is by a technophobic consultant asking how to turn on the LCD projector (Aimee: "You press the button that says ON!"), and sometimes it is by a socially-challenged, generally inept, or overall creepy client, who will stare at us urgently and disturbingly through the glass door until we grudgingly put down our sandwiches and come out, in order to ask us for the eight-hundredth time whether fax pages need to be fed in face down.
So, one day a few weeks ago when we had just seated ourselves in an empty conference room to enjoy some nice warm soup, we were annoyed but not surprised to see a man come wandering out and then stand loitering by the door, occasionally glancing in at us and then pretending to ignore us. So Aimee sighs and gets up.
Aimee: Can I help you, sir?
Man: Ah, yes. I have an appointment with Matt at one o'clock.
Aimee: Okay, I'll just page him to let him know you're here.
Man: Oh, no, he knows I'm here.
Aimee (confused): Oh, okay. Has he seen you?
Man: He knows I'm here. I'll just go wait in the computer room for him.
Aimee: Okay...
So Aimee sits back down with me, and we discuss WHY this man felt the need to interrupt our lunch just to let us know that he had a meeting with Matt, if both he and Matt were available and knew of each others' presence in the office. Five minutes later, the man returns, again gazing distractedly at us through the glass door. I go out this time.
Me: Excuse me, can I help you with something?
Man: Well, it's just that I'm waiting for Matt, and he still hasn't appeared.
Me: Appeared?
Man: Yes.
Me: Well have you already seen each other? Does he know you're here?
Man: Yes.
Me: Okay, well I can call him and let him know you're ready for your appointment.
Man: No, that's okay. I'll just wait here for him to appear through the secret passageway.
Me (in my mind): ?"?£"£$??????^$*%&*?"?????????? Secret passageway????
Me (out loud): Um, okay. So you don't want me to call him.
Man: No, he knows I'm here.
So I sit back down, and Aimee and I exchange incredulous looks as we silently sip our soup. Five minutes later, the man knocks on the glass door.
Man: Excuse me, would you mind please calling Matt to tell him I'm here?
I've been here for about two months now, and I've been around all office sectors a fair number of times, but I've yet to come across this mysterious alleged "secret passageway".
Man, you're job is awesome. I just make spreadsheets. You have a secret passageway... neat.
Your not you're. Dammit. Second time today....
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